Vision & Mission
We envision a society here on earth, where raw whole fruits become the food for humans, where clear, accurate & empathic communication becomes inherent, where platonic friendships become abundant, where conception & procreation will be truly & consciously celebrated. Where natural laws & biology are understood, where knowledge expands, where natural environment, plants & animals learn to coexist symbiotically, where life becomes valued, and where health & joy will be expressed.
For the above to manifest we think is important, individuals with similar vision to relocate to the tropics, eat fruits, live in minimalism and be part of nature. Also to plant and take care of fruit trees while forming a network of multiple cooperating communities & projects to manifest this vision.
Our mission is to be in servitude to other human beings, who are truly interested to experience raw fruitarianism. Individuals who value health, purity, sobriety, who seek to raise their consciousness & want to shape positively the future of our planet, in order to welcome & celebrate the new generations to come.